I have a comment on this thread. First, just yesterday as I was travelling
the beach road I saw officer unfriendly in his stealth position behind the
bushes. As soon as I saw him I looked at my Bel radar/laser detecto and
nothing. When I was about 300 feet away and can see him in the jeep with
this nice new boxy looking thing in his hand, he pushes the button and the
laser alert wails. just 2 cycles of alert and I was past him. I waved. I was
not speeding as this particular road is radared all the time and I know
that. I do not know if he lased the car ahead of me (non-BMW :-) --but if he
did the beam did not skip back to me.IMO a laser detector, like others have
mentioned is mostly a notice that you just got a ticket.
Second, where I live the town bought this freestanding speed limit sign with
the feature of a radar gun and a LCD display showing you how fast you are
going. The Bel starts to pick it up almost 1 mile away if I am heading
towards it. The Bel loves to false at automatic door openers and this golf
driving cage that uses a radar to estimate the distance. other than that it
has paid for itself easily.