RE: <E36> Power Window Switches
Subject: RE: <E36> Power Window Switches
From: Eddie Ruvinsky <ruvinsky@domain.elided>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 1996 20:40:52 -0700
>From: olsonwa@domain.elided (Wade Olson - PRA)
>Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 08:23:15 -0500
>Subject: E36 power windows
>Of the four power window switches around the manual
>transmission on my '92 325i, only the front two are
>illuminated with the light switch on. In addition,
>the switches are hot, like they're both receiving too
>much current.
>Should all four switches be illuminated?
>Have others had this problem?
>Are the front two lights under the switches
>receving the current for all four?
Sorry for the delayed response. (It's been a while since I last checked my
BMW digest mail; I had 40+ messages!) I have exactly the same car, with
exactly the same "problem." Only my driver's light switch illuminates of
the 4 window switches, and quite hot at that. Even my Automatic-Manual
button gets just as hot. The answer to your questions are:
1. Yes, all four swiches CAN be illuminated (if you want to spend ~$10 for
EACH switch). I'm sticking to using mine, as they still *are* FUNCTIONAL.
2. Yes, others (besides me) have had this problem. I have seen various
threads about this subject on the digest.
3. I don't think it is the case that your front two window switches are
receiving the current for all four. If I'm not mistaken, since the '92
model, BMW has updated the switches with "better" lights. I haven't truly
investigated this, but that is what I once read in a previous thread.
This seems to be an inherent problem in our '92's. Check your sunroof and
headlight switches -- those don't light up for me anymore either. :(
Hope that doesn't "leave you in the dark" about the matter!
// Eddie Ruvinsky
// '92 325i
// Visit my BMW & Other Resources homepage:
// http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ruvinsky