<E28> Clutch Shudder???
Need some input from you folk.
Generally when the engine/drive train has not thoroughly warmed up, clutch
engagement in 1st gear is VERY touchy. Unless I keep the revs up and really
feather the clutch, the car "shudders" as the clutch engages. Once this
starts, unless I bring the car to a FULL stop, it is impossible to get a
smooth engagement and not have the car shudder from the drivetrain.1-2 shifts
and higher or going down are no problem.
What I know:
o '86 528e, original clutch as far as I know
o Engine starts fine warm or cold
o when cold, or warmed up - runs fine as it comes up to operating temp.
o gas mileage is "normal"
o problem is essentially non-existent when drive train fully warmed up
o clutch pedal effort a bit heavy
o transmission shifts up and down fine, no problems
o appears tranny lube is automatic transmission fluid, there is a tranny leak
- - a drop or so at a time overnight, and it appears to collect and drip off at
the drain plug or further back - does not appear to be at the
engine/bellhousing interface. Had new tranny rear seal last summer.
I don't have any problem with putting in a new clutch, at 129K miles don't
figure it owes anyone much, and will be able to take care of throw out bearing
(probable reason? for stiff clutch pedal effort???) and while the tranny is
out, can look at replacing tranny input shaft seal and other seals BUT is the
shudder really a clutch problem or could it be low output/torque when the
engine is not warm( but why - I had an '83 528e that didn't do this)
requiring different handling of the clutch ????
Some thoughts -
o Crankcase or tranny oil on the clutch that gets "burned" away during the
first shifts as the engine warms up and I drive away?
o rear main crankshaft seal leaking oil that somehow gets to pressure
I solicit your opinions.