RE: 1985 635 running hot
Subject: RE: 1985 635 running hot
From: henri baccouche <henri@domain.elided>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 14:04:08 +0000
>Has anyone had a water pump begin to fail without
starting to leak at the same time?
Generally no, Iheard that in rare occasions the impeller can be
loose on the water pump shaft (it still turns)
Can I trust the temp gauge?
85 "5" and "6" series seems to have more faulty temp circuit
board problems more so than other years(it controls the gauge)
check the the sender also.
> (I am a little leery of it since if I watch it
closely, I can see the needle waver in time to the turn signal)
>Is there any way to test it other than buying a new gauge? Use an AC thermometer carefully inserted into a hose or bleed off some hot coolant to measure the temp.
I do know that some cars will continously overheat if there is ANY air in
the cooling system. You bleed and bleed , but there is a slow leak which
lets in some air. Pressure test thoroughly .
Good luck.
Could you forward the other suggestions to me.
henri baccouche
los angeles