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Re: parts cleaning

Modelle writes:

>The cylinder head and
>transmission mainshaft are two items that come to mind. After they've sat
>around for awhile, is it safe to put them into a solvent wash to clean them?
>Will the solvent remove oil that might otherwise protect the assembly at
>start-up?  My guess is that the purists will suggest a comprehensive
>that would require total reduction of assemblies before cleaning.

I'm more nervous than purist.  In the case of both your noted assemblies, I'd
be worried that some grit might be left behind in a bad place, and you'd end
up with a failing assembly in short order.  In particular, those little oil
passages that feed the cams on a 4cyl head (and probably on V6's too, but I
have no experience) look like they could be left with nasty contents if the
head wasn't stripped and fully cleaned.

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