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Autocross launch - is it abusing the car?

I have a question regarding launching the car from a stop at autocross
events. It's been said many times the fastest way to launch the car is
to rev to a critical level of RPMs (say, 3000) and release the clutch
quickly - i.e., slide the foot sideways off the pedal, suddenly.

I believe the idea is that the best launch will involve a hint of
wheelspin, and then a "hooking up" as the car slingshots away. After the
launch the throttle is applied to accelerate accordingly.

Assuming the above is the quickest launch (and I believe it is), I'm
wondering how hard this is on the car - including the clutch,
driveshaft, etc. (What autocrossing does to the tires is obvious!)

I had always thought this was a bad thing for the clutch, but then
again, there's no slipping of the clutch involved - and therefore should
be minimal wear, right?

Wouldn't the engine mounts, trans mount, driveshaft support, and other
components take the brunt of wear on a launch?

If I thought I were doing serious damage, I would tend to launch more
gently, sacrificing a few tenths.



'93 Spider Veloce

'94 164Q
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