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2 Parts Berlinas: Seattle Area

I have tracked down two Berlinas that are going to be sent to the junkyard if 
they are not snatched up. They have been sitting in a yard for a couple years 
but, from what I'm told, have many, many good parts on them. He did say the 
bodies are rusted surprise there. 

I'm going to head out next week to check them out and pull parts for myself. If 
there are any Seattle area Berlina owners out there who need some parts, let me 
know, I can either try to grab the parts for you (I can't get big mechnical 
pieces ala engines or transmissions) or you are more then welcome 
to come with me. I get first dibs though ;)

I don't want to see them go to the junkyard. Contact me off digest if you are 

And by the way, I get more comments on my loud, stinky, bad paint job Berlina 
then I ever did in my Milano. The ladies seem to really like it...who'd thunk a 
Berlina would be a chick magnet? 


Damian Magista
73 Berlina 2000
87 Milano Gold
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