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RE: Milano Speedo senders.

> I am trying to repair the speedometer on my 87 Milano Gold and need
> advice. I also have an 87 Milano Platinum as a parts car and was going
> switch the senders between the two. As I removed the sender on the
Gold, I
> saw that the sender has a gear drive in the tranny. The Platinum
didn't have
> this drive. Did the Gold have a different speedo sender than the
> or could the transaxle in the Gold have been replaced with an older
one from
> a GTV6 or something? All replies appreciated.

Afaik, the switch from gear drive happened in the middle of the '85
model year.  I could see some leftover parts slipping into a slightly
later GTV6, or maybe even a real early Milano, but '87 seems too late to
be seeing parts that were being phased out in '85.

My guess is you've got an earlier GTV6 tranny.

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