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Of Corvettes, Alfas. Etc.

1.      Doubters should go drive a new 'Vette.  In Hot'lanta, you can
buy the "base model" for right at $40k and it's the cheapest supercar
out there.  For pure driving performance, the 'Vette is a steal and a
tribute to GM in its own right when you look at how many look alike BMW
wannabee clones are marketed here in the States.  It's amazing what you
can convince the beancounters to let you do when you KNOW that you'll
sell 50,000 vehicles a year.

2.      It's not an Alfa.  A co-worker owns a C5 'Vette and we swap cars
occasionally.  He marvels over how nimble the Spider is and I admit to a
certain amount of torque lust.  Another co-worker owns a '68 427
Corvette that is a real stump-puller.  How many cars do you know that
you can actually make the rear end swat from torque when you press the
loud pedal at 70mph?  Comparing it to an Alfa is like comparing a
broadsword to a rapier.  Not necessarily less valid but just different.
Appreciate each for what it is and stop fussing over what it isn't.

3.      I've not ridden in a Pantera, but I have ridden in a Ferrari
308.  Wonderful, fun car and the Pantera looks like it could be a blast
as well.  Hell, I think a 1962 Nash Metropolitan convertible is fun as
well, so I guess I'm no judge, after all!

Instead of lamenting each others' choices, we should be grateful that
even though we're without the new Alfas, we have so many choices!

My $0.02, YMMV, etc. 

Bill Bain 
AROC Atlanta 
'83 Spider 
'87 Milano 
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