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Erimenas TZ Replica

This is a fun subject, as I had the pleasure of driving one of the cars at
the Portland convention!

It's a fun car to drive- very light, and with a 2.0l engine in it, it goes
like stink.  Parked next to a real TZ (Richard Ballentine's) they are very
close, but at the time, some details were not quite there.  At the LA
convention, they were- it looked SOOO good there.

There are a few things I would do- the front was not stiff enough for track
use, and with the sliding block, the rear LSD didn't need to be so tight.
Other than that, I didn't push the car to its limits to hard, as it wasn't
mine.  But I did thoroughly enjoy driving it- it was a real rush to be lined
up behind a 33 and next to a real TZ for my timed runs at the time trial....

Eric Storhok
Powertrain System Development
Powertrain Research and Development
MD 35, FPC-B
Ford Motor Company
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