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Re: New ones....

sure ya bought a 164, richard,  me too!  there's a 164, a milano & a gtwe6 chez-sedon...

BUT...  wood ya fork over $40k+ for the latest iteration of the 164?  or the same amount of $$$ for the latest iteration of yer '73 gtv...  i'd have to wager not likely...  ;~)


dug seed in

   Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:47:54 -0400 (EDT)
   From: Richard Welty <rwelty@domain.elided>
   Subject: Re: New ones....

   On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:19:31 -0400 "Storhok, Eric (E.M.)"          <estorhok@domain.elided> wrote:
   > First of all, would we buy one- yes.  It may be heresy to some purists
   > (just like the 750/101 cars were in the 50's), but the person who        would  drive the car every day LOVES the 164LS that we are trying to       sell.  For  that matter, we are trying to sell it to start saving money     FOR a NEW  one.

   i have to chime in with complete agreement.

   my situation is this -- i don't want to drive my 74 GTV for 4-5 months     of the year (upstate NY and all that.) a previous owner subjected it to
   entirely too much salt already, no need for any more of that.

   the 164 i just picked up will do just what i need for those 4+ months.
   i'll drive the GTV most days until November 1st, or until the first        major snowfall of the year (which ever comes first), and then 164 then    becomes my daily driver until it's safe for the GTV to come back out.

   it will work out quite nicely; the 164 is really quite a decent sedan      after all is said and done -- comfortable and fast.

   yes, i'd prefer it if they were RWD, but i think it a mistake to ignore    a bunch of really good cars over the point.

   - --
   Richard Welty                                               rwelty@domain.elided
   Averill Park Networking                                               518-573-7592
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