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RE: Double clutching - should I?

On an upshift, the synchros slow the input shaft down, and if they can't, you get a crunch. By engaging the clutch between gears after the revs have dropped you can slow the input shaft down appropriately so the synchros don't have to do anything when you slide it into the higher gear.

--On Tuesday, August 6, 2002 3:47 PM +0000 alfa-digest <owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided> wrote:

Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 10:15:30 -0400
From: "Weiss, Jeffrey" <jeffrey.weiss@domain.elided>
Subject: RE: Double clutching - should I?

Mark Denovich has shot syncros:
...My synchros are so shot, if I don't double-clutch the 1st->2nd
upshift it grinds.
I've heard mention of this before, but I still can't understand why
you would have to double-clutch an upshift.  Do the revs drop so
quickly that you can't complete the upshift before dropping below
the higher gear's engine speed?
- --
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