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Re: Alfa sound effects...

I'm interested in making some recordings of my CSC-header equiped Verde and was wondering if anyone had some tips on getting clean recordings on a budget.

Specifically good/cheap microphone recommendations, dealing with wind noise, microphone placement, etc.


Paul Witek wrote:

The recent thread about the Duetto sounds in The Graduate reminded me of something interesting a few years back.

Those of us who work in radio and tv do indeed rely on "canned" sound effects, but there are times when you have to, um, improvise. F'rinstance, the sound of a finger snap played at half speed sounds like a baseball hit. Likewise, the sound of Don Happel's Supertrapp-equipped Alfetta played at 2x speed filled in as Indy cars one time.

But someone out there did indeed get paid to play with an Alfa, all in the name of sound effects. Along with most sound effects libraries, you get a catalog of the sounds, looking something like a phone book. Whiling away some down time in the studio one day, I flipped to the car sound effects section, and was stunned to find that our particular library had an entire disc of sound effects from an Alfa Spider. Things like "door close, slam" to "engine start, with rev". Of course, I headed right to the CD rack, only to find that particular disc had "walked off" some time before I got there.
Someday, I'll track it down...

- Paul Witek

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