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RE: Glorious Northern California

Northern CA most definitely IS glorious.  I've lived here my whole life, minus
a 4 year college stint in San Diego, having grown up in the Saratoga hills
with the best roads right outside of my door.

Summer vacations were spent on my Vespa P200 exploring every road I could find
in the Santa Cruz Mountains, narrow twisty one laners that I still ride and
drive on regularly.  Thanks to the current economy, I get to bicycle,
motorcycle, and drive these roads on weekdays when traffic is virtually

Yes, the traffic is worse, but if you know where the roads are, and there are
MANY to choose from, you will not be affected.  Whenever I think it's getting
crowded here I go visit friends in SoCal for a refresher in true miserable
urban sprawl on a scale we will never see in Silicon Valley.

Oh, and, uh, for anyone thinking of moving here, well, it's really not as
great as I just said, so, uh, hang out and enjoy your summer before all the
good roads are iced over and you have to get out your "winter car", that
trusty '76 Delta 88 with studded tires....

Sports Sedan
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