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Re: Timing Belt Dilema

on 5/5/02 7:37 AM, alfa-digest at owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided wrote:

> Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 18:43:13 -0400
> From: Mark Denovich <mark@domain.elided>
> Subject: Timing Belt Dilema
> When I got home with the milano last night, and turned off the ignition
> it shut down with a ka-chunk.   I thought "that didn't sound right."
> This morning when I started it, it fired up, but ran very poorly.   I
> quickly turned it off, and popped the hood.   I pulled the timing belt
> covers, and sure enough the belt had jumped.
> I pulled out the light and a small mirror and examined the mechanical
> tensioner.  I hadn't had the chance to examine one before, but I quickly
> found the source of the problem...  The external spring end had snapped
> off.   *sigh*
> Now the timing belt/tensioner was changed a scant 6k miles ago (done a
> few days before I bought the car.)   The water pump was not changed at
> that time... and I'm not exactly sure when it was last changed (I don't
> see it on any of the service records I have.)
> So here's my dilema:  Do I just change the tensioner?
> (fastest/cheapest/easiest solution.)   Do I order a new belt too? and if
> I have to replace the belt anyway should I order a water pump too?
> How much of a bigger pain is the works than just the tensioner?
> --Mark
> ------------------------------

I think its best to change all three. While the Milano makes it easier to
get to the tensioner, the belt, and the water pump than does a GTV-6, its
still a big job and Alfa water pumps are notorious for failing early. If you
replace all three, you are starting from a known quantity. You can note in
your maintenance log that you put in a new belt, tensioner and water pump on
May X, 2002 at X miles on the odometer. No guess work and a modicum of

George Graves  
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