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Timing Belt Dilema

When I got home with the milano last night, and turned off the ignition 
it shut down with a ka-chunk.   I thought "that didn't sound right."

This morning when I started it, it fired up, but ran very poorly.   I 
quickly turned it off, and popped the hood.   I pulled the timing belt 
covers, and sure enough the belt had jumped.

I pulled out the light and a small mirror and examined the mechanical 
tensioner.  I hadn't had the chance to examine one before, but I quickly 
found the source of the problem...  The external spring end had snapped 
off.   *sigh*

Now the timing belt/tensioner was changed a scant 6k miles ago (done a 
few days before I bought the car.)   The water pump was not changed at 
that time... and I'm not exactly sure when it was last changed (I don't 
see it on any of the service records I have.)

So here's my dilema:  Do I just change the tensioner? 
(fastest/cheapest/easiest solution.)   Do I order a new belt too? and if 
I have to replace the belt anyway should I order a water pump too?

How much of a bigger pain is the works than just the tensioner?

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