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Re: Air Pump

In a message dated 3/24/2002 12:41:00 AM Central Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> From: Joe Elliott <jee@domain.elided>
> Subject: RE: Air pumps, tattoos & rear engined cars
> Where's Eric Storhok??  I don't understand why you'd have an air pump 
> on a car with no cat.  Was the idea just to dilute the exhaust with 
> fresh air to lower the percentage of pollutants coming out the 
> tailpipe?

The roll of the air pump was to provide a source of air to complete the 
burning of unburned hydrocarbons coming out of the cylinder into the exhaust 
stream.  Air pumps were/are NOT used in conjunction with cats, rather... the 
use of cats allowed the removal of the despised air pumps.

Jerry in Houston

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