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Hope This Dues Thread Hasn't Died Completely Yet ...

Well, behind as I am in reading, this did it for me. I'm making my reservations for the convention! If Fred says the STUFF will hit the fan, then by golly, THAT'S worth $60 all by itself! :-)

10123 (no convention)
11615 (maybe convention bound)

PS - We're organizing a "run down the coast to the convention." We've talked with NWARC, AROO, DSARC, and ARA so far and there seems to be some good amount of interest. Stay tuned for more details!

From ADv8n427, Fred wrote:

> From one who has always voted for better everything for our Club, even though I am no longer a Director, 17 consecutive years, I want to ask you all to please be patient until the next convention when the STUFF will hit the fan!  Fred

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