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Anyone have the part number for 3rd brake light?

I am seriously considering putting a third brake light on my 74 spider. I
prefer to do it similar to the later models instead of venturing on my

From what I understand there were two types of third brake lights -- one
that was mounted on the trunk deck and one that was in a spoiler. I'm
looking for the truck deck version.

One person mentioned that the light from a cadillac allante was the same
as the 3rd light had a GM part number. I checked with a cadillac parts
department and the third brake light for the allante appears to be too
big, and it didn't mount on the trunk deck, but in a cutout inside the
truck. [My wife checked while I was at work -- the parts guy could have
been feeding her a line.]

Anyone know the GM part number (if it uses a GM part), or the Alfa part
for the brake light?


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