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Odometer Stuck

Hello Again,
	This falls under the category of "I should have left the thing 
alone"..  Last week I noticed a small dead insect inside the plastic cover 
of my instrument pod. (86 Spider)  I  figured Gabriel you're a broadcast 
tech and fixed every kind of hi-tech gear around..You can get that bug out 
of the pod... Well, after releasing the front portion of the pod, I found 
it was difficult completely removing it  with the trip od's reset button in 
place... so I pulled it out.. Then I realized that the face plate was not 
coming off without a fight, so I put it all back the way I found it.. 
Except the reset pin (button) would not re-seat itself.. So I took a ride 
and presto! The odometer and trip meter were no longer functioning.Oh 

This weekend I'm having my tranny rebuilt and a new Momo Corsa Steering 
wheel installed.. I mention to my mechanic that i wanted him to install the 
wheel and by the way, fix the speedo, he answered.."Now that's a big job".. 
Now in context he is going to be tearing down my tranny, rebuilding it, 
reinstall it, and he called my speedo a "Big Job"  I can't imagine what he 
means $ wise..

I my ignorance and in fear of billing and not able to live well enough 
alone, today I took the pod out of the dash. In all it took the removal 
of13 screw and or nuts, about 1/2 hours time, but could not or would not 
take the speedo apart..afraid of leaving it a worthless sundial....

This work I'm doing is in prep for my east coast tour from Ft. Lauderdale 
to Maine and back via the Appalachian trail (3254 mile as the crows fly), I 
have all the maps and such, but without a odometer, I won't know where the 
hell I am and might become forever lost in West Virginia..Noooooooooooo!

Please help me!!
Gabriel Forzano
AROC South Florida (No Help)

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