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colors and extra credit

The Opal Metallic color is the name that is called out on the original AR 
paint sticker under the hatch of the 84 GTV6.  It is a reddish brown 
(chestnut?) metallic and one of the ugliest colors they ever came up with.  
But now the car is RED.

As I no longer have the 71 Spider, I don't recall positively what the name of 
the green was, I kinda recall pina (pine), but in fact it was a very nice BRG 
color (with a lot of black) and nothing like the minty fresh green or the 
more current Series 4 olive green colors of more recent vintage, but it was 
definitely GREEN.

The 91 Spider was (poorly) repainted by a PO; Elvira told us it was (in 
English) "cold white" and in another doc it is called out as either Polar or 
Arctic (can't recall which just now)-- but in any case it is still WHITE.

And the 87 75 was metallic silvery blue, Azuro Metallico as called out on the 

So, the blue is the clinker that does not belong on the list because RED, 
GREEN, and WHITE are the colors of the Italian flag.


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