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Re: Titles

<< ...there has been a thread on titling a car which has no title. Check with 
your DMV. I recently contacted the DMV outlining a current problem, (Alfa 
content: Sport Sedan) and the reply I got was:
  "As long as the vehicle is currently in state.... >>

  An therein lies the majority of my problem.  I bought this car on eBay 
about 6 months ago from a guy on the Washington/Oregon boarder and had it 
towed to my house (God bless AAA).  To make a long and involved story short, 
I never got a title and the guy is nowhere to be found.  He had moved from 
Arizona, which is where the car was last registered.  
  I have a dead Milano and the Fiat.  I want to sell the Fiat so I can fix 
the Milano, but without a title I can't.  Washington has a process by which I 
can register a vehicle abandoned on my property, but I don't get a title for 
3 years.  Persumably that waiting period is designed to allow time just in 
case the car is stolen but doesn't come up that way when they check it.  
  Arizona will issue me a bonded title, but only if I drive the car down 
there so they can have one of their people inspect it.  As a last resort I 
checked the title companies, but because the car is a '79 they want $275.  
That's too much for a car I paid less then $500 for.  The search continues...
Bryan Carter
Olympia, WA

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