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milano? + spider stuff 4 sale

Well this one hasn't made the rounds in a few months:

Could anyone re-advise the procedure for cleaning dried leaves out of a
Milano's heater box?
Believe i detected a hint of smoke this morning, along with the

Also am posting some spider stuff for sale for a non-digester friend:

*one Alfa Romeo Spider bra, black with red AR script, looks new,
complete with pouch.  My guess is that it is for cars up to '91.
*one set of Carello headlight covers, in the original box, never
installed.  There is some hardware and trim/gasket material in there,
should be complete but i've never installed a set so i'm not positive
about what all should be in there.

If you are interested, email her direct at cdillon4@domain.elided.   She is
located in San Francisco.

Peter Kemos
Santa Cruz

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