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750/101 content

Hi Alfisti,
I'm restoring a 750F and refurbishing a 750B.  Both are in my garage, bodies
done and painted, and am now very motivated to get them on the road.  I'm
also a member of the Giulietta Register.  The Register is great, but does
not offer a practical Q&A forum for me and my projects I'm now trying to
fast-track.  This digest works very well for most Alfisti, but early Alfa
content is very sparse to say the least.  Was wondering how many are on this
alfa digest that share my interest and need for near real-time connectivity.
If there is already such a forum on the web devoted to early Giuliettas
please let me know.  If there is not, how practical would it be to simply
put together a list of e-mail addresses of 750 and 101 owners (and racers)
who could contribute experience and expertise with owners who are trying to
get their cars put together and on the road?  I'm envisioning a list of
twenty or so people on one address line, and the freedom to exchange
drawings and photos via the internet.
I'm a PC user, not a web site operator.  So if any of you digesters have
advise on how to do this or how impractical this concept is please let me
know ASAP.
I do not in any way wish to criticize this alfa digest nor its members.  I
simply feel that the nitty gritty Q&As someone like me has a daily need for
would really bore the general audience of this digest.
Cheers, Peter in Ann Arbor, MI USA
PS.  Please respond to me directly using my subject line, and only copy the
digest if your content would interest the general audience.


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