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Re: [alfa] Purchasing an Alfa or BMW in Europe


I can't help too much, but can offer a couple of things.

The first is that Italy is notorious for high prices on car rentals. Tourists travelling in Italy are often advised to rent cars elsewhere. Leasing is probably a different story. However, I suspect that, regardless of whether you are able to take the car home with you, buying/leasing a car will make more sense then renting.

The second is that if you are looking into purchasing a used car over there, you might investigate whether it would be feasible to buy one in Switzerland. I can't comment on what issues you face in terms of import and registration, in your particular situation, but Switzerland has *very* stringent mandatory inspection of used cars, so anything purchased there is likely to be in good shape. Torino isn't too far from the border to Ticino, so logistics might be manageable.

Otherwise, there are a magazines which advertise used cars for sale, IIRC, which should be available at news stands, or in Autogrills along the freeways.

Good luck.

Zurich, Switzerland

Chip wrote:


As I sit looking outside of my office window at the Daytona like
banking of the test track above the old Lingotto FIAT plant in Torino
and being shocked about long term rental car prices, I cannot help to
wonder if purchasing a vehicle is feasible.

Therefore, does anyone out there know or have had dealings with the
1) know a reputable dealer or place that I can buy a good used Alfa
from in the Northern part of Italy.
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