Well said. I absolutely agree with you. The problem is not just with Stags. I
spoke with an owner of a reputable Jaguar restoration company here last week.
A fresh E Type restoration of theirs had come back with trailing arm bushes
failed. He checked his inventory, and instead of metalastic, made in England,
they were solid rubber, made in Guatemala.
I had called him because my engine sleeves for a Jaguar 3.8 engine arrived
(from another supplier) in boxes with the manufacturer's name neatly excised
out with a razor blade. Very cheap cardboard packing. A firecracker-like label
on front. Not a picture of a Jaguar, but of an inscrutable tiger. He agreed
the sleeves were likely Asian. The labels being cut off to protect the source.
Coventry prices though! My friend commented that the competition is driving a
downward spiral in car parts quality.