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Bodyseal / Ziebart

My 1975 Stag was "Ziebarted" from new and it is a black tar like
substance that has dried with age and is now quite brittle in places.

Unfortunately, the engine compartment was covered in Ziebart as part of
the treatment and whilst this has prevent any rust, it looks extremely
unsightly and has taken me almost 1 year of part time scrapping and
rubbing with white spirit to remove the worst of the stuff.  The only
salvation is that the paint work underneath is as new.

I believe that the Ziebart company went bust in the 80's, whether this
was as a result of warranty claims or the fact that cars in the 80's
needed less 3rd party rust proofing I don't know.

I still have the original warranty document from Ziebart and the
treatment itself is extremely comprehensive and I believe has
contributed greatly to the present condition of the car.


David Horsnell
1975 Mk II
HUE 888N

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