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Fwd: > Re: [ihc] posts and information, incorrect or not

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:50:59 -0800
To: "John Stricker" <jstricke@domain.elided>
From: John Hofstetter <hofs@domain.elided>
Subject: > Re: [ihc] posts and information, incorrect or not

Price would be right to someone that was going to USE them.  If I find out
you bought them and then resold them for half a gazillion dollars I'll have
to hunt you down, find you, and shoot you like the dog you are.  And Hofs
will be more than happy to help me.

John Stricker

Only problem is that we'd get into a big argument about whether to use John S. 's favorite piece to do the deed, or my new favorite which needs to be tested in a real life situation. Oh, oh, I didn't mean real "life" situation, quite the opposite, really. <vbg>

John Hofstetter

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