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Bad News about Custom Parts

Hey folks,

I just got off the phone with Rick at SSS.  Seems like I've been laboring
under a few misconceptions for a while.  Here's what I thought and/or
learned in no particular order -- feel free to refute any of this or offer

1) Kayline tops: I desperately want one for my 800.  Rick told me they're
$520 now instead of $425 (d'oh!) and there's a 8-10 *week* lead time.  OK,
I understand that SSS orders these from Kayline directly but, man, that's
a long time!  Does *anyone* keep these things in *stock*???  I respect
that vendors have to front money for these (and, in what is probably good
sense, refuse to), but I don't want to wait if I don't have to.

2) Roll bars: For safety's sake (and yes, to be cool) I want one for my
800.  Some time ago I recall speaking with a vendor about this and
learning that they manufactured one for the 800 for about $150.  However,
Rick tells me that no one makes these any more and that I'm better off
fabricating one.  Is this true???  If so, does anyone have plans for
fabricating this piece or a used bar for sale?  I have a hard time
believing that *no one* sells this.

3) Bikini top: I'd love to have one of these to go with the roll bar.
However, despite what I remember Rick informed me that no one makes *this*
either.  Geez.  I guess this isn't too hard to fabricate, but I could
swear that someone made a bikini top to match a roll bar for an 800.  

Sorry to waste bandwidth with whining, but I just got some birthday loot
to spend and I'm frustrated that -- once again -- it's so much harder to
find Scout 800 parts.  Any information or ideas on the above pieces would
be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,


P.S.  I tried sending this earlier but it didn't make it to the list.
Sorry if anyone got this message twice :-)

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