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Re: Swapping ratios front or rear

Daniel Nees wrote:
> attitude that you 'have to' tear into the hub assemblies then you
> probable don't do regular maintenance on them anyway, and they need
> cleaning, bearings repacked, ect.. I can pull a rotor off, repack the
> bearings, reinstall and put all back together in 30 minutes or less. (As
> long as I was the last one to do it before)

This, from the guy that left mud/silt/sand in his motor and automatic
transmission!  C'mon, Dan... I don't think Joel needs any "maintenance
tips" from the likes of YOU!


Hint: check out the front axle U-joints while you're in there, Joel..
after I broke one and changed it out, I R&R'd the other side.. I pulled
the 'shaft out, put it in my vise, and then leaned most of my 175lbs
onto the stub end and barely got the U-joint to move... tear it apart,
and all I found was what looked like were needle bearings at one point..
and a bunch of rusty powder!

Probably 130k miles on those U-joints.. of course, that was 130k 2wd
miles.. I've probably put more 4wd abuse on those 'joints in the last
two years than it saw most of the other 20yrs the truck's been around.


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