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Re: lockers?


If you have any kind of a limited slip you cannot use a Lock-right without
going to an open carrier.  If you can find an open carrier with the same
gears you already have and can buy it cheaply then you can go that route,
but you'll still have to pay someone to set it up for you in your axle.  If
you find an open carrier without the same gears you have and have to pay
someone to swap the gears out then you remain in the same boat money wise.
Yes, Lock-rights are cheaper off the bat, but there are many hidden costs
possible.  One more possible drawback, one I have worried about but have
never taken the time to research thoroughly: is the stock carrier case with
a Lock-right as strong as that massive carrier that Detroit uses when you
buy one of their lockers (man, that's one stout piece of equipment!!)?  If
you can't swing two ARBs (and who can, right?) then I'd go with a Detroit
in the back and, if it would bring you back into the ballpark, an ARB in
front.  The limited in front would work well, too, but wouldn't be all that
much cheaper, if at all, than another Detroit in front.  You'd have to have
either one set up professionally, though, so I'd rather have the traction
of a full locker.  It depends how you drive your Scout and how often.

I don't want anyone to get me wrong if it sounds like I'm dogging
Lock-rights or Easy-lockers.  If I had an open carrier in the back of my
Scout I'd go that route in a minute, and I may stick one in the front when
I get to that point.  We don't have to worry too much about ice here in
north Alabama, though we do get it a couple of times a winter.

My .02¢, and it sure is nice to be back in the land of the Scouters!!

Paul Brakefield

1966 IHC Scout 800- "The Beast"
	Chevy 350/SM465/Dana20
	<Springover with 33s>
1972 Scout II
	<I'm workin' on it!>
1990 Daihatsu Rocky
	<Tellico tested>
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