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Re[2]: Tom's Axles Q's...

        Aren't you like 2700 miles from me though?  Tucson, Arizona.  
     Can you measure the width of the centers of the spring pads, and 
     the width of the front of the wheel bolt surface for me?  I'd 
     like to know if the numbers I hear about these widths are true 
     and accurate.
        I'll be in Rochester, NY next summer.  Will they be there 
        What ratio?  Not like it's all that important though.
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Subject: Re: Tom's Axles Q's...
Author:  cookiedan@domain.elided at mime 
Date:    12/15/98 2:12 PM
   I have a closed knuckle Dana 44 Sring over and maybe a Dana 60 full
floater all from a Dodge Power Wagon. They are just sitting along side 
my driveway and collecting rust. Free for the taking.
Dan Nees
"Good" 1979 Scout II  345/auto
"Bad" 1971 Scout II 304/T-18
And the
"Ugly" 1979 Scout II 345/auto

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Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 17:12:24 -0500 (EST)
From: cookiedan@domain.elided (Daniel Nees)
Subject: Re: Tom's Axles Q's...
In-reply-to: Tom Mandera <tsm1@domain.elided>'s message of Tue,
 15 Dec 1998 10:22:13 -0700
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