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Re: ihc-digest V5 #101

>Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 09:25:27 -0500
>From: tsm1@domain.elided (Tom Mandera)
>Subject: CB Antennas
>I'm starting to put together a CB FAQ for Scouts.. anyone have any real
>ingenious ideas on mounting an antenna?
>Mag-mount on the roof - duh
>Gutter mount near the doors, or at the back above the liftgate
>Mount that fits under the hood lip - hard to open hood
>My '72 has a hole drilled in the hardtop, about center l/r and just a little
>bit back from the windshield.. this works GREAT, but only when the hard top
>is on..
>Ball hitch (yuck)
>I just thought of welding a small piece of flat or angle stock to the
>windshield frame (the lip just above the glass), make it stick out an 1" or
>so, and put a CB antenna *there*.. summer or winter duty.  Just have to run
>the wire in some manner into the cabin.
>Any other great ideas?  We discussed where to mount an antenna on a 'glass
>Scout with Ceasar a while back (anywhere.. heh.. most likely vertically in
>the end-cap or fenders).
>- -Tom Mandera, Helena MT

For what it is worth,
Every IHC vehicle I've ever owned has had a whip mounted on the left rear
fender down about 8 inches from the top of the bed, or where the bed would
be in the case of Travelalls. I think it looks great and gives me a place
to put a flag when I am in the dunes. That whip just makes a vehicle look
more macho than the K40 that I have on the roof of my Grand Cherokee. The
K40 is a better antenna, but who cares with CB which never reaches anyone
you really need to talk with, anyway. See the International Vehicle section
of my web site for the SSII I had with this configuration.

John Hofstetter a.k.a. Ol'Saline, who's been a lot of places none of us is
allowed to go anymore and that's a real tragedy, and who to quote the
senator from Texas, "has more guns than he needs but not as many as he
79 Scout Terra with 8000 lb. Warn Winch, Detroit Locker in rear and limited
slip in front, 4" Trailmaster lift kit, Holley Electronic Fuel Injection,
Mallory Unilite Distributor                                  MSD ignition
"It's a legend", but it's too darn long and too darn wide sometimes to go
where I ask it to go.

National Rifle Association Life Member   California Rifle and Pistol
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