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Re: Please type something in the "subject" field

This is my ONLY beef about this great IH list.  I like to skim the contents of
each Digest so that I don't have to read the whole thing.  So, I would
appreciate it if posters could type in a subject (such as "Electric Cooling
Fans"), rather than just hitting "reply" on your mail software (which places
"ihc-digest V5 #71" or other nonsense in the subject field).  

Below is the contents from digest #74.  About one-third of the entries required
that I actually scroll down and read them.  

	RE: Re: ElectricCoolingFan?
	Re: more info on my travelall :)
	Screw on Fan Clutch
	Terra Top To CO.
	Re: more info on my travelall :)
	Carb, Brake drums
	Revisiting jacks, Fire extinguishers
	Tom's Public Service for the day
	Even more info on my travelall
	Re: ihc-digest V5 #71
	Re: ihc-digest V5 #72
	Re: ihc-digest V5 #72
	Re: ihc-digest V5 #71
	Re: ihc-digest V5 #73
	D44 Rear axle Qs
	Re: Looking uo fellow IH-lovers
	1-ton dump for sale
	exaughst or lack there of


Bob Weller
'71 800B
Sonoma, California

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