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Warming up cars (was: dealer demos)

"Diana and Mike Kohlbrenner" <kohlbren-m-d@domain.elided> wrote:

>Neither long idling at startup nor hammering on a cold
>engine are good things, especially on a brand new car in
>the break-in period.  Demo cars probably see a bunch of
>both of these.

I'd like to change the subject.

I have been under the impression that the best way to warm up the 
engine is to drive and take it easy until the oil temp is at a normal 
operating temp. Keep the revs below 3000. Since I don't have an oil 
temp gauge [yet], I'll drive at or below 3000 rpms until the water 
temp is at a normal operating temp which from my understanding will 
reach operating temp before the oil does. I still take it easy 
afterwards, not that I am a jack rabbit on the go pedal anyway. Just 
trying to do what's right.

1996 328ti

MINI links     http://www.happytogether.com/minilinks/
318ti registry http://www.happytogether.com/318ti/registry/
