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Re: antifreeze
Some state require that Ethylene Glycol coolants contain a bitterant to
make them less attractive to pets. If you live in a state where the
bitterant is not required you may get both bittered and non-bittered
formulas from different brands. That could account for the difference.
I personally use a Propylene Glycol based product from Sierra which uses
the non-phosphate (OAT) chemistry of Dexcool/BMW but which is essentially
non-toxic. I'll probably continue using it even after I fix the leak in my
heater core ;-) .
- -tc
> Are you sure about that? The BMW antifreeze has a different odor to it,
> almost like it contains alcohol. I didn't notice that with Dex-Cool.
> Ron Buchalski
> BMWCCA #76387
> 1995 E36 M3
> 1993 E34 525iT
> 1999 Mazda Miata
> >From: tedcrum@domain.elided
> >To: rbuchals@domain.elided (Ron Buchalski)
> >CC: bmw-digest@domain.elided, alex.fadeev@domain.elided
> >Subject: Re: antifreeze
> >Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 13:26:11 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >BMW antifreeze and Dexcool will perform similarly with respect to the
> >sludge pickup mentioned in the article you reference, since they are both
> >based on the same OAT non-phosphate formula. So it's hard to recommend one
> >and blame the other.
> >
> >-tc
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- --
Ted Crum