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Re: 1994 540i Auto Transmission Service and Fluid

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Henri Baccouche wrote:

> There is a popular misconception that you could use lubricants to service your
> car which are not
> recommended by the OEM Manufacturer.........without risk.
> This is very fawlty logic today.......if you have a warranty this will void
> it. If you insist on using non approved lubricants......you are at risk of
> damaging the engine /trans / dif.....etc.
> It is not worth it.......in every case. The snake oil vendors make all sorts
> of claims, but the truth is ; the car will last just as long using the
> approved lubricants.
>  http://home.socal.rr.com/tyrone/SD92-113.pdf
> This is .pdf file of the approved BMW Automatic Transmission fluids........

	I just looked at this...  My friends E34 1994 540i is a 5HP30 (A5S
560Z).  According to the chart, it says you can use Shell LA 2634 which is
BMW part Number 83 22 9 407 765 so wouldn't this mean you can just buy it
from Shell?

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