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Re: Brake questions
"Michel Drainville" <MDrainville@domain.elided> wrote:
> Alex, my rotors are of unknown brand and I already had them turned
> 3 years ago.
Yep, time to get new ones.
> At that time I also installed PBR Metalmaster pads all around after
> reading good comments from the web. I'm not happy with the Metalmaster.
> The only good side I found to them, is that they don't dust and wear
> slowly, but that's it.
That should have taught you not to ask for advise on the internet! ;-)
I agree with your about MMs. I have them on my wife's car and other than
squeal they server her OK for the street and autoX. But they are definitely
coming out for the DE next month.
> I can't even lock the wheels on dry pavement (ABS doesn't even kick
> in). The only time I can lock the wheels and have the ABS do its
> work, is under the rain!.
That's not right. Are you trying hard enough? ;-)
My better half can trigger her ABS with MMs and stick Michelin Pilots. Even
I can on my daily driver E30 with Yoko Avids and PBR Deluxes - another
cheap, dustless and worthless pad. In fact the cheaper the pad the less
friction in has and the sooner ABS should kick in.
But yours works in the rain. Weird.
> I have wider and taller tires but I don't tink
> this is the cause. (215-55-16 in front, 225-50-16 at the back).
Should not be.
> I know I won't be that fast. I do have a 4 point roll bar though.
> It's just that I think my car brakes less than stock and with the
> heat generated with frequent hard braking, I don't want to find
> in a corner that I have no brake anymore.
Stock Pagids should serve you well for the first DE. Steve G carries them.
I don't know anyone else who does.
alex f
End of bmw-digest V9 #2162