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stuck wheels

Dave's stuck wheel removal trick:

Beat on the wheel with a long 4 x4 piece of lumber, or a 2x4, from the other
side of the car..using the end of it, and hit the inside of the wheel /
tire.  Try to hit it  in more than just one place on the rim.. both sides.
A 6' 4x4 is a very heavy, non marring hammer. It also doesn't need much
speed to get a lot of energy where you need it.

To align it, build a little pile of blocking right next to the
wheel..another section of 4 x 4 and a 2x4 should get you to the right
height.  Then slam the long 4 x 4 pool cue style against the rim.  It
usually works pretty fast.  Make sure you don't drop the car off the jack
onto your head when you slam like this..If you use an 8' piece of lumber you
don't have to be under the car during this operation!

Dave Leonard

My 88' s steel wheels usually are stuck by spring snowtire take off time!
More never sieze this year I guess.
