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Refinishing wheels

Hi all,

As of Thursday, I am the proud owner of a '99 M Roadster.  I must say
that the process of purchasing the vehicle was very excellent.  The
dealer was superb in the entire process and the car is incredible.

I do have a question for the list however.  Part of what the dealer
did for me was to refinish the wheels due to the previous owner
scratching the heck out of both rear wheels.  I went to wash them
today and found that the wheels were rough and looked almost like they
were hand spray painted with no clear coat.  Trying to polish and wax
a small area did not help at all (in fact, it may have rubbed off a
small amount of the silver paint).  Being rough, they are really tough
to keep clean, and that bothers me a lot.

I will be mentioning this to the dealer, but I wanted to hear from you
folks as to the approach I should take.

If I haven't provided enough information, I'll be glad to answer



- --
Gregory F. March    -=-    http://www.gfm.net:81/~march    -=-    AIM:GfmNet
