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Ball joint removal...make tool..remove more

  When something is just really difficult to remove, I stand back and see
what it's attached to and ask if that something should come off with the
desired item instead.
  The bushing on the "thrust arm" of the E28 can be replaced on the car, so
the ball-joint is not an issue.  I only remove the arm if a hydraulic press
is really needed.
  If you cannot rent, or make-up a tool for doing this "on-the-car
procedure, remove the lower control arm with steering knuckle and take the
"whole goober" to a machine shop where the desired bushing can be pressed
  **professional secret**  I get my ideas for tool fabrication from tool
catalogues, or go take a peak of the real tool.

 Dan Patzer the CyberWrench from BIMMERS ONLY Seattle's exclusive BMW hobby
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 12724  Marine Drive,  Marysville, Wa. 98271
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