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Re: bmw-digest V9 #1066
I had a similar noise in my 86' 325 and I found it to be loose fasteners in
the drive train. First I discovered Loose bolts in one of the output
flanges of the differential, and then when the noise came back a month
later it was loose bolts on the output flange of the transmission. All of
this was probably the result of swapping the parts from one crashed car to
a less dented car.
Good luck
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 14:33:44 EDT
>From: EvoSW@domain.elided
>Subject: E30 Diff question
>Hi, i have a question for my 85' 325e, i think it is my diff but i would
>another opinion. The problem is when i accelerate there is a loud clunking
>that you can hear as well as feel coming from the rear of the car, the rate
>of the clunking increases with speed but stops at about 7mph, and then
>everything is fine. The clunking is worse the harder i accelerate. Any
>- -Matt Johnston