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<E30> accelerator cable q

chris et al,

fyi, this is a response i got from neil deshpande regarding the accelerator
question i posted.  sounds like it is normal.  thanks to everyone for the
responses to my question.



>Thought I would add a few things to your throttle cable interchange with
Chris P.
>The Probe most likely has a hot wire anemometer as the air flow measurement
device.  No mass in the sensing element there makes for quicker response.
The iX has a flapper in the air stream that has mass.  May cause the delay.
>Speaking of there being a lesser delay at 4k RPM than at 0.4k RPM:  The
meter in the iX is calibrated so that the flap has a log response.  To
clarify, the output voltage from the meter wheatstone bridge is log with
respect to flapper position/volume flow rate.  So, there is much less
difference at between two high speeds in the output from the AFM than there
is at low speeds.  This MIGHT explain the greater hesitation at the lower
speed.  The Probe's meter may be calibrated differently.
>The Bosch Auto. Handbook 4/e has a good explanation of how the AFM works.
>I cannot seem to locate C.P.'s e-mail address so you could forward this to
>Neil Deshpande
>1986 AFM lying on kitchen counter for 6 months!
