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M3 exhaust for 325i and JimC chip comparison question for E36

Soemone offered me a 97 M3 exhaust with DTM tips for $300. (approx. 15k 
on it) Is this a good price?  Would I be gaining much on performance 
with the exhaust?  I am pretty skeptical about mods now after I was 
dissapointed with the x-brace mod.  Is there another exhaust out there I 
could purchase for the same price that is not louder than the M3 exhaust 
and gives more bang for the buck?  The tips are slightly tarnished and 
was wondering if I could shine them up with something.  They are 
stainless steel. 

Next question; does anyone have any information, meaning data, comparing 
the JimC chip to other chips.  I am looking for either Dyno comparisons 
or actual data from Jim himself.  I want to purchase one for car but I 
have this friend who is pretty knowledgable and says the "racing 
dynamics" chip is better and will out perform any other chip.  (Ya 
right!)  I would really like to show this little know it all that he is 
wrong.  Any help is appreciated.  TIA!

Manuel Paredes
1995 325i- X-ed

P.S.  Why is all the da

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