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Get Over Yourselves

I don't agree with Mark's product.
I dislike the fact that he has been unable to fix his email dilema.
I don't care for the blatant commercial aspect of his emails.

someone went to the trouble of getting an email address that is inflamatory.
someone went to the trouble of translating a message to gibberish.
A new internet acronym has been born, like we need anymore.
and numerous posts have been placed telling him to shut up, etc. etc.

Ignore him if you wish, help him with his email if you are kind and
generally act in a mature manner.  Someone metioned that the average BMW
owner makes roughly $100K per year.  I do not know how acurate that is, but
it appears to me that the average maturity level of this group is just
recently entering puberty.  Maybe there is some truth to the "BMW owners are
pricks" saying.  I guess that might be inflamatory, however it seems

Scott Olson


And Mark,  write me privately if you want help testing email formats.  The
emails are difficult to read and generally annoying.
