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Digest Stickers <Canada>

In an attempt to reduce postage costs and hassle all Canadian Digest
members (IMHO) should be able to get their logos from a Canadian source. I
would be willing to print the logos at 1200 DPi off of a color laser
printer and would be shipped when the design has been decided on. Costs
would be kept to a minimum (it's my printer & toner) and all proceeds would
of course go to Richard for the digests operation. If any one is interested
in this or has an opinion please let me know.

I just thought It would be easier for us in Canada.

This plan can be scraped with Chris, Bobby or Richard's request.

Dave Larocque
'87 325
Toronto, Canada

PS -> thanks to all those that emailed me regarding my broken radio, I have
decided to upgrade to a Cd player and will go shopping this weekend.
