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Re: Subject: Y2K and ECUs - THE FIX

>Christopher Meyers wrote:

>Great offer Chip.  I'm not much of a DIYer, so could I just FedEx my
>325 to your house for this service.  Money is not a problem since I am
>closing all of my bank accounts and stashing the cash in my mattress.
>I guess I'll just put the $2000 in the glove box.  Please email me
>privately as I don't want anyone to think I'm an idiot.


Hold it right there!  If you happen to live south of the Mason - Dixon line,
you need to see me.  Through lengthy negotiations with Chip, I've become the
SVR, Inc. rep for the southern U.S.  By the way, payment must be made in
either gold or silver.  Don't want none of that worthless paper money...

Bobby Crumpley
