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Re: [pb] Lets compare the E46 ashtray SR


When Ston comes back - he does so with S-T-Y-L-E. =20

Really nice upgrade there Ston, but I think the dual ashtrays are a bit
much.  However, realizing that you now have an additional opening to deal
with in the dash, may I suggest the development of the R.R.R.U.D. (Rolling
Rock Remote Urinal Device).  The horn-activated-motorized-device is already
wired as you have indicated, so surely you can design a mechanism to
automate the procedure that would allow one to answer the call of nature
with nary a mis-shift or reduction in speed. Something remote that extends
out and sleeves up to the anatomy in question comes to mind.

Admittedly this would be a male-oriented device and care should be taken to
make sure it is fully dampened and vibration-free to prevent the start of
an unwanted and potentially embarassing sequence of events from occuring.

I await your scientific proposal on this much needed UUC upgrade for the
serious driving Bimwad.

- - Duane Collie

At 09:56 PM 12/29/98 -0800, Ston Rygar wrote:

>My first attempt was technically flawed due to a misalignment of the
>TG prior to the 3-D E36 manipulation.  To put it simply, I put a big
>hole in the dashboard right above the vents.  Being ever-vigilant for
>the opportunity to turn adversity into fortune, I installed an
>additional Schadenfreude Hohe Intensit=E4t Tellersegment in the dash and
>augmented it with remote-control opening, controlled by an auxiliary
>horn button on the steering wheel...=20
