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Driving in Snow/Slush/bad conditions

Hello all,

Well, firsty snow of the season in good 'ol New Joisey....wow.

Anyways, I drove this morning down the Parkway and I found that most
people have NO idea how to drive in bad weather. Now, I myself like to
drive fast, but at the same time I like to think I have good self
control. Driving down the Parkway from exit 114 to 91 I saw that 50% of
the cars were trucks, 30% beat-up old cars, and the rest 20% nice cars
you would normally see. I was doing a nice 45-55 in the right lane (45
mph limit in these conditions usually accepted as norm)....yet a bunch
of trucks were passing me!

Let me explain....at that point in time, 8:30 AM, the Pkwy was NOT
covered in snow, BUT in SLUSH! 1 inch of the stuff!! You can tell that
the front tires have no grip cuz they're slipping and sliding OVER the
stuff! Not good. BUT, those damned trucks zip by me at at least 60 like
there's no tomorrow! Most cars were doing a nice pace, 45-55, like me.
But most of the fast traffic were damned SUV's. I can't BELEIVE the

Now, don't get me wrong, it IS possible to go more than 60 in those
conditions, but you DON'T have to. And not just that, the VISIBILITY was
pretty bad. I like to console myself by saying that a Blazer that passed
at around mile 107, was at the side of the road with a flat at mile 99. 
Hehe.  But seriously....driving in slush is REALLY bad!

Then along, the side roads in Bricktown, I drove on packed snow. and it
was a world of a difference! Nice, predictable handling. Not sudden and
severe aqualplaining or spray, or anything on the highway.

My question is to performance drivers of Snow or Ice Racing.....

Are there any pointers for drivers to follow when driving in winter?
This includes deep snow, packed snow, icy conditions, slush, and
anything else that pops into mind.

I'd really like to have as much info as possible about this subject.

Thanks in advance.

- -- 
- -Chris Graff

Middletown, New Jersey

1986 BMW M535i
BMW CCA 159803
GP2 Simulation Racer ;-)
