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Re: Runaway Car - BMW Emulates Audi?

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Michiel van Wessem wrote:

> Step on the brakes. Brakes have more force then the engine. Step on the
> clutch too if you have a stick shift. 

 I haven't tried this in my bimmer, but I've tried with other cars -
try stepping on the brake while accelerating at or near WOT.  There is
no longer any vacuum assist for the brakes - they will feel rock hard
(but will still work).  I can't help but think that would be a big
surprise for someone who found himself with a stuck open throttle. 
 Do bimmers with brake pressure accumulators avoid this possibility?

- --
  John Bolhuis  | Since announcing concubine auditions in April,
 bolhuijo       | I have received not a single reply. Foolish females!
  @domain.elided | Do you not realize that I am one of the richest and
                | most powerful men in the Republic?  -T. Herman Zweibel
